
Showing posts from May, 2018

Master Piece Academy

Isaiah- Xicano Records, influenced by many but also go into music in his own by curiosity. Has many rare records and also explained how he reached out to gather his resources. Yoselyn- Career choice, doesn’t really want to stick to one thing. Wants to be a marine biologist and also work around agriculture. Also wants to create her own small business of small farming. Maria- Do we really know our ocean? Oceans are known to have around 230,000 species with another 2 million that we have yet to discover. Alondra- Astrology, for now it’s just a hobby but she plans on majoring in it. Also the birth charts are pretty accurate, even more accurate if you know what time you were born. Jose- Barbering, Back in the days barbers wouldn’t only cut hair but they would also perform surgery at times. Wants to become a barber because it’s something he’s passionate about. Longest haircut he’s  given was also on me lol, 2 1/2 hours just to cut my hair.

F451 Essay

      The book Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury has many connections and similarities to today’s society, the connection Fahrenheit 451 and today’s society have is immense. While many might argue the there is no connection from the book to our society nowadays. However, with his predictions of the technology we would obtain now and social problems, the connection is indeed close.           One of the many predictions that were given to us in the book was about technology. The “seashells” were explained to us as a device in which you could hear any sounds or waves in your ear. These alone are a huge connection to our everyday lives, I know I use my earbuds almost every single day and I know you probably do to. The parlor walls were also a huge prediction Bradbury made that came to reality. The explanation that Bradbury gave us of the parlor walls were that they were huge tv screens that were essentially a wall. Nowadays you can go to a store and see tv’s for sell from 50 inches to 110

Today in class

From my notes what I took was that the author, who is you, compared the sadness of F451 and the hamlet. Also reading books more than once tend to help us understand the book and also appreciate it more.