On Self-Reliance

       As Dr.Preston said “The title of the Emerson essay is just basically telling us, look you just learned something!” It’s honestly the best explanation of the title. If I were to take a guess as to what Emerson is trying to describe in the thesis is think that he’s telling us to find self reliance in ourself rather than relying on other people. What I mean is to have some faith in yourself and not always depend on others.
       In the essay if Emerson the tone is really motivational in my own opinion. Emerson is trying to tell us that being yourself isn’t a bad thing , trust yourself more than you trust others.
       The diction in the essay is pretty confusing in my opinion. Although once it gets explained and I partially understand it I still get confused. The way Emerson uses his words is outstanding or just bad. If I can’t understand it either it’s too difficult for me to comprehend or it’s just terrible but I know that it isn’t terrible so it’s outstanding. His use of words is so good it confuses me at times and that’s considered good in my books. One example of diction is when Emerson said “ Their mind being whole, their eye is as yet unconquered, and when we look in their faces, we are disconcerted.” I have a little clue of what that means but not enough for me to explain.
       How has Emerson’s idea helped me in my very own life? Well it’s helped quite a bit honestly. I’ve started to care less about how others see me or view me as a person. For example I’ve just thought about relying on myself more than others and not really caring about the opinions of others, random people to be specific.


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