
Showing posts from September, 2017


The assembly of today was pretty interesting. We got to learn about early registration. We could sign up at the age of 16 so when we turn 18 we have the right to cast in a vote. I think this assembly was pretty meaningful because they taught us about being able to register at 16 and then being able to vote at 18.

Vocab #3

Coherent:something logical & consistent Belabor: To argue Eschew:deliberately avoiding to use Acquisitive: excessively interested in acquiring money  Emulate: Match or surpass Banal: Lacking in originally as to be obvious and boring  Excoriation:to wear off the skin of Congeal:solify Carping:complain Substantiate: provide evidence to support temporize:avoid making a decision Largesse: generosity in bestowing money  Tenable: able to be maintained Insatiable:impossible to satisfy Reconnaissance: military observation of a region to locate an enemy Germane: relevant to a subject under consideration Ramify: form branches or offshoots Intransigent:To be unwilling Taciturn: reserved

The Conscience of a hacker response

In the beginning of the story and even after the first read I didn't quite understand it but after I read it again I looked and understood that the hacker was trying to show us about his perspective of life. The hacker also tried to justify hacking which I actually like because usually people just get curious on the internet and try to discover new things. The hacker obviously knew what he/her were talking about because they were saying how the government makes and sells nuclear bombs but the hackers are still labeled the "criminals".

Vocab List for Young Goodman Brown

Faith: trust or belief Threshold: the intensity of a certain reaction or result Tarry:delay leaving in place Resolve: settle or find a solution Discern: to recognize something Martyr:a person who is killed because of their beliefs  Mirth : amusement expressed in laughter Catechism:a summary of the principles of christian religion in the form of questions and answers, used for the introduction of  christians Pious: religious  Frenzy: a period of uncontrolled excitement 


                           I'm just going to be straight up, our education system sucks. In today's education system we get taught that the Quadratic formula or Pythagorean theorem is more important than teaching us how to do taxes or how to financially manage our money after high school. Obviously math kind of does help us a bit with numbers but in math the whole point is just learning new formulas and equations weekly. Also we get taught that without a piece of paper called a "diploma" we wont be successful in life. If us the students were able to learn about anything we wanted to maybe we wouldn't have so many people working low paid jobs.If I was able to change one thing I would revamp our whole education system and base it around a students preference on what he or she wants to do.